Diana Guenther was hooked early on fiber arts. She was begging to embroider at age 5, took sewing lessons at age 8 and knitted the endless scarf thanks to Grandma at age 9.Fiber is part of her daily life. She delights in the tactile satisfaction and accomplishment of making. She especially loves the controlled chaos of large scale projects. She thrived on felting with preschoolers, screen printing t-shirts with Girl Scouts and tie-dyeing with the swim team. Art is about making and sharing making.Diana turned her talents to winning art grants as the PTA’s cultural arts officer. As the kids grew, her art-enabling included demonstrating and teaching spinning. She loves to learn from other artists too. She sought out workshops with leading artists including Jane Dunnewold, Elin Noble and Carol Soderlund. Diana banded together with small groups of like-minded artists to explore design theory and surface design techniques. Art provides intellectual challenge.
In 2014, she won an art grant from the Potomac Fiber Arts Guild to create an exhibit of surface design pieces based on the collections of the Sandy Spring Museum of Olney, MD. Diana is currently designing fabrics with visual depth and rich historic content.
Writing the artist bio also nudged me to learn how to add pages. Pages are used for static information that you always want to have available. It wasn't hard. I just had to go back to the layout and find the right gadget. The upper right hand blog column now offers key information about this blog: the artist biography and grant application. The artist resume is coming soon...
Good topic you shared here.